Aoyama Women’s Cup

Aoyama Women’s Cup (2020)


In aging societies, THW tax workers who are not living with their elderly parents.


THBT developing countries should heavily prioritize the massive construction of infrastructure over the direct provision of financial benefit (including but not limited to cash, subsidy for education and medicine) to citizens.


THW not allow out of court settlements for workplace discrimination and harassment.

Aoyama Women’s Cup (2019)


THW require religious leaders to revise doctrines that undermine gender equality.


TH opposes National Coming Out Day.

National Coming Out Day is observed annually to celebrate coming out (to declare publicly that you are LGBTQ+ indivisual). The LGBTQ+ movement has traditionally leveraged NCO day as an advocacy strategy to raise awareness and to let everyone know that at least one person in their surroundings is LGBTQ+.


TH opposes the trend of tech companies offering egg freezing as employee benefits.

Egg freezing is the process of freezing unfertilized eggs to save them for future use. The eggs are thawed and fertilized to make embryos that can be placed in a woman’s uterus. Apple, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and other major tech companies have begun to offer egg freezing for female employees as part of their employee benefits.


THP a world where humans can completely tame their own emotions

Aoyama Women’s Cup (2018)


THW introduce female gender quota for judges.


THBT the feminist movement should actively oppose norms of stable monogamous relationships


THW not restrict sexual expressions in public (e.g. public nudity, displayal of pornographic images.)


THW ban sex selective abortion

Sex-selective abortion is the practive of terminating a pregnancy based upon the predicted sex of the infant. The selective abortion of female fetuses is most common where male children are valued over female children.

Women’s national (2017)


THBT international finantial institutions (eg World Bank, ADB, AIIB tec) should prioritize projects in nations and regions that have lower gender inequaity index( = prioritize gender equal countries)

An international financial institution is an institution that provides finantial and professional advising for the purpose of development. For example, the World Bank has financed many project to build infrastructures.

The Gender Inequality Index measures the quantity of loss of achievement within a counrty due to gender Inequality. It measures the loss on three dimensions of reproductive health, empowerment, and labor market participation of women. The lower the Gender Inequality Index, the more gender equal the society


TH as privileged (intellectual/good family back ground /having a well payed job….etc) feminist, would not marry males with higher social statuses.


Given the recent decline of popularity of feminism, TH as a woman who believes in the need to advocate for gender equality, would not call oneself a “feminist”


THBT the feminst movement should celebrate the decline of birth rate

Aoyama Women’s Cup (2016)


As black feminists, TH welcomes one INTERracial feminist movement as opposed to many INTERracial feminist movements.

Black feminism is a school of thought which argues that sexism, class oppression, gender identity and racism are inextricably bound together. The movement was formed in an effort to meet the needs of black women.



THR “trend” in fasion.


Assuming technology exists, THW erase all memory and history regarding racial and sexual discrimination that have ever existed throughout the human history.

Aoyama Women’s Cup (2015)


As feminist movement, THW campaign for the removal of expression which glorifies weight-loss (such as, but not limited to dieting advertisements, pro-anorexic websites).


In a Western liberal democratic country which accepts substantial number of immigrants, THW adopt assimilation policy as oppose to multiculturalism policy.


TH regrets Amnesty International’s decision to advocate decriminalization of sex work.


In countries where abortion is a crime, TH supports doctors who perform it underground.

Aoyama Women’s Cup (2014)


THW ban any technologies which test human embryos/fetuses for their genetic characteristics.


THW shut down all online dating site which promote adultery (such as Ashley Madison).


THBT companies should not take public stances on LGBT rights issues.


THBT feminist movement should support the use of sex appeal for commercial incentives.