Oxford IV

Oxford Online IV 2020

ESL Pre-Semis

TH prefers to live in a world where most individuals lead polyamorous relationships, as opposed to single-partner relationships.

ESL Final

THR the Americanization of social justice debates, e.g. focus on police brutality as a result of BLM, use of english terms by social movements, rather than words in local languages and the focus on American icons such as MLK or RBG.

Open Final

THR the narrative that there exists no objective truth.

Oxford IV 2019


THW ban political advertising on social media.


TH, as North Macedonia, would seek closer ties with the Eurasian Economic Union.


THBT feminists should adopt the view that feminist identity is based upon self-identification (e.g., “anyone can be a feminist”), as opposed to based on satisfying group-determined criteria (e.g. “feminists must fulfil x, y z criteria”).


THBT the widespread adoption of Libra brings more harm than good.


THP protests with clearly identifiable leaders and defined goals to leaderless movements with disparate goals.

Oxford IV 2018


Assuming feasibility, THW ban all research into the possible genetic origins of sex, race and sexuality.


THBT environmental advocacy groups should prioritise lobbying governments to change environmental policy (e.g. cap and trade policies, banning environmentally harmful chemicals) rather than convincing individuals to take responsibility for their contribution to environmental damage (e.g. reducing/recycling waste, taking public transport).


TH, as Israel, would end compulsory military service.


THR the depiction of the everyday life of people with disabilities as inspirational.


THBT the South African government should incentivize the movement of people out of townships, rather than focus on policies that try to economically develop townships.

ESL Semis

THBT the US should cut all political, economic and military ties with Saudi Arabia.

ESL Final

THBT social movements should reject the glorification of political violence.

Novice Final

THBT post-conflict states should actively promote a unifying national narrative in the history curriculum.

Open Quarters

THW allow city and local governments to be held civilly responsible for deaths that can be ascribed to homelessness.

Open Semis

THBT the use of erotic capital by women does more harm than good.

Open Final

THP a world where people believe you should maximize productivity to a world where people believe you should maximize leisure.

Oxford IV 2017


THW provide means-tested welfare in the form of basic goods and services (including vouchers), rather than cash payments.


THBT twitter has done more harm than good.


TH Prefers Asian Values to Western liberalism.


THBT investors should cease purchasing bonds issued by the Venezuelan government.


THBT minority parents should shelter their children from the existence of racism for as long as possible.

ESL Semi

THBT that the EU should suspend the voting rights of Poland.

ESL Final

THW ban the creation of all artificial conscious beings.

Novice Final

THW require all sold products to clearly display their price in Dead Children Currency.

Open Quarter

THR the creation and adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Open Semi

THBT Mohammed bin Salman’s policies are in the interests of the ruling House of Saud.

Open Final

Assuming it could be done peacefully, THW replace all existing governments with a single global democratic government.

Oxford IV 2016


When police are put on trial for alleged instances of a violent wrongdoing, THW decrease the burden of proof to the balance of probabilities.


THW allow negative voting.


THBT armies should indoctrinate soldiers to take their own lives in the event that they fall captive to the enemy.


THBT the state should promote the norm of the ‘single life’.


THBT NATO should expel members that do not meet the organisation’s defence spending targets.

ESL Semi

THBT it is always morally wrong to buy sex.

ESL Final

THW prosecute leaders that have lied to their nation over the justification for going to war.

Novice Final

THBT the state should facilitate the creation of a new identity (complete with relocation and new government documents) for any citizen that requests it.

Open Quarter

In 2008, instead of bailing out systematically important financial institutions, THW have bailed out homeowners directly.

Open Semi

TH opposes the attempts to form a new Fatah-Hamas unity government.

Open Final

THBT the Left should not celebrate the ideal of individuals climbing up the class ladder.

Oxford IV 2015


THW ban religious primary and secondary schools.


THBT US immigration policy should only prioritise merit-based standards of acceptance over the reunification of families.


THW end penalty enhancements for hate crimes.


THBT Western Liberal Democracies should boycott the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.


THW allow opponents of abortion to sign legally-binding contracts with pregnant women, in which they pay those pregnant women not to have an abortion.

ESL Semi

THW accept ‘I was only following orders’ as a defence in war crimes trials.

ESL Final

THR the institutions of marriage and civil partnership.

Novice Final

THW create and enforce filial responsibility laws (mandating that people take care of their parents) – or words to that effect

Open Quarter

THR the rise of mega-cities.

Open Semi

THBT after 50 years of ownership the state should have the right to repossess all works of painting or sculpture for the purpose of public display.

Open Final

A new planet has been discovered identical to Earth. 1 of 2 systems can be implemented on this planet (or words to that effect). THW implement communism over capitalism.

Oxford IV 2014


This house believes that in order for a law to be enacted, it should have to be passed by the legislature and then by a body chosen at random from eligible voters.


This house believes that press agencies should not purchase or publish the work of freelance war reporters.


This house believes the EU should suspend Hungary’s membership rights.


This house, as the gay community, regrets the existence of Grindr


This house would deny public funding to parties with explicitly ethnic-based membership or platforms


THBT a world in which people were content and did not desire social mobility is preferable to one where people desired social mobility

Oxford IV 2013 ### R1 #### THW provide mobile teachers for the compulsory education of the children of travelling communities (e.g. Roma and Irish Traveller) ### R2 #### THBT developed economies should collectively agree to impose radically redistributive tax codes ### R3 #### THW ban the gender testing of athletes in sports ### R4 #### THW require major polluters to open their borders to environmental refugees ### R5 #### THBT national war memorials should commemorate the casualties on all sides of the conflict ### Novice Final #### THBT when courts sentence offenders, they should give considerable weigh to the views of the victims ### ESL Semi #### THBT political parties should adopt non-hierarchical organisational structures ### ESL Final #### THBT liberal democracies should cut all economic and military ties with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ### Open Quarter #### THW, as a liberal democracy, restrict coverage of small-scale terrorist attacks ### Open Semi #### THBT identity-based social movements should not include in their movements allies who are not part of the identity group in question ### Open Final #### THBT the United States should dissolve its offensive military capabilities Oxford IV 2012 ### R1 #### THBT Google, YouTube & Social Media websites should remove content which it deems to insult religions ### R2 #### THBT South Africa’s ANC should nationalize all mines ### R3 #### THBT ‘Western’ Governments should buy the freedom of slaves ### R4 #### THBT the Greek military should suspend democratic government until economic recovery ### R5 #### THBT companies should not take public stances on gay rights issues ### EFL SF #### THBT Governments should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles ### EFL GF #### THW give extra votes to youths over the age of 18 ### Open QF #### THBT EMILY’s list should fund pro-choice male candidates ### Open SF #### THBT States should forcibly reverse the transmigration policies of their former dictators ### Open GF #### THB in the right to bear arms. Oxford IV 2011 ### R1 #### This House Believes That Sex Education Classes in Schools Should Teach Techniques For Pure Sexual Gratification (including, but not limited to, anal sex, oral sex, mutual gratification and masturbation) ### R2 #### This House Believes That in developing countries aid organisations should be banned from religious proselytizing. ### R3 #### This House Believes That trade unions and labour protection laws should be suspended during times of economic crisis. ### R4 #### This House Believes That Israel Should Materially Support Arab Pro-Democratic Movements. ### R5 #### This House Believes That a tax should be placed on successful artists in order to fund new and developing artists (Note: Artists defined by the CA team to be the arts and entertainment industry). ### Open QF #### This house believes that International Law should allow states which accept refugees to sue the states they come from for compensation. ### ESL SF #### This House Believes That The LGBT Movement Should Not Support Pride Marches. ### Open SF #### This House Would Establish Brothels on Military Bases. ### ESL GF #### This House Believes That the CEOs of the largest corporations should be chosen by national democratic elections. ### Open GF #### This house would establish geographical zones where the selling and consuming of any and all drugs are legal. Oxford IV 2010 ### R1 #### THBT Adoption Agencies that receive state funding should give priority to same sex couples and infertile couples. ### R2 #### THW ban the use of armed combat drones. ### R3 #### THW tax those who use expensive lawyers in order to fund state prosecutors and legal aid. ### R4 #### THW require large online social networks to be controlled democratically by their users. ### R5 #### THW hold the state liable for injuries or deaths due to being homeless. ### QF #### THBT the UN should offer large bounties for the capture of pirates and the destruction of pirate ships. ### SF #### THBT a free market economy does not make the workers free. ### GF #### THS the use of a draft by lottery when engaged in extended military interventions. ### GF(ESL) #### THW allow poor countries to erect trade barriers against rich countries under the WTO. Oxford IV 2009 ### R1 #### THW allow deaf couples to use medical technology to ensure they have deaf offsprings. ### R2 #### THW welcome a European superstate. ### R3 #### THW redirect all state art funding for reproduction of classic works of art into new works of art. ### R4 #### THW give the UN Secretary General the power to unilaterally send peacekeepers into regions that are beyond the effective control of their governments. ### R5 #### THW abolish patents and replace them with government funded awards in recognition of R&D. ### R6 #### THBT universities should not license societies that define themselves by gender, race nationalhood or sexuality. ### QF #### THBT juidiciaries in nascent democracies should have the power to actively exercise judicial review on the basis of substantive judgments about social rights. ### SF(ESL) #### THW actively teach schoolchildren that people ought to be faithful to their partners. ### SF #### THW fund religious organisations to convert people in areas of social deprivation. ### GF(ESL) #### THW always offer governments ousted by military coups support in exchange for allowing us to arrange and oversee free and fair elections after their reinstatement. ### GF #### THBT terrorism is a legitimate mode of resistance for rebel groups with just causes. Oxford IV 2008 ### R1 #### THW not prosecute battered wives who kill their husbands. ### R2 #### THW negogiate with Al-Qaeda. ### R3 #### THW nationalise all banks. ### R4 #### THW make politicans serve in the armed forces, healthcare, education, or emergency services before taking office. ### R5 #### THW allocate all university places by lottery. ### QF #### THW allow individuals to sell their right to sue. ### SF #### THW give African countries money to stop accepting aid from China. ### GF #### THW make voting power inversely proportional to wealth. Oxford IV 2007 ### R1 #### THW criminalise gang membership. ### R2 #### THW allow nations without states a seat at the UN. ### R3 #### THW permit religious courts to rule on family law in the UK. ### R4 #### THBT every citizen deserves a universal basic income beyond their basic needs; regardless of whether they have ever worked, are looking for work or will ever work. ### R5 #### THW channel all development aid for Africa through the African Union. ### QF #### parenting licences. ### SF #### THBT the US should match its military aid to Israel with an equal amount of humanitarian aid to Fatah. ### GF #### THBT the state should pay a wage to house-wives and house-husbands. Oxford IV 2006 ### R1 #### THW grant anonymity to sex offenders. ### R2 #### THW allow the UN to hire mercenaries. ### R3 #### THW support all forms of child labour. ### R4 #### THW make Malta’s continued membership of the EU conditional to legalising divorce. ### R5 #### THBT the US should sell a missile defence shield to Taiwan. ### ESL SF ### QF ### ESL GF ### SF ### GF Oxford IV 2005 ### R1 #### THW lift the international ban on whaling. ### R2 #### THW mandate the use of condoms in pornography. ### R3 #### THW introduce a salary cap for European footballers. ### R4 #### THBT Russia should compulsorily renationalise its oil and gas industries. ### R5 #### THBT people who refuse to accept jobs which require them to remove religious dress should not receive unemployment benefit. ### ESL SF #### THW make English the single working language of the EU. ### ESL GF #### THBT the outing of public figures is a legitimate tactic of the gay rights movement. ### QF #### THBT fault should be a factor in the awarding of court ordered divorce settlements. ### SF #### THBT western nations should buy opium from Afghan farmers for morphine production. ### GF #### THBT doctors should inform parents before carrying out abortions on under 16s. Oxford IV 2004 ### R1 #### THW protect from prosecution armed police in the line of fire. ### R2 #### THBT the developing world should not be held at the same environmental standards as the developed world. ### R3 #### THW abolish state pensions. ### R4 #### TH supports the use of truth and reconciliation commissions instead of war crimes tribunals in Iraq. ### R5 #### THBT the systematic harassment of individuals is a legitimate means of protest. ### Novice GF #### THW criminalise smoking when pregnant. ### QF #### THW give the Palestinian Authority a vote in the UN General Assembly. ### SF #### THW privatise the BBC. ### GF #### THW ban reporting of hostage taking in Iraq. Oxford IV 2001 ### R1 #### THB in the right to euthanasia. ### R2 #### TH prefers the moral foreign policy to the principle of neutrality. ### R3 #### THW keep religious and secular education separate. ### R4 #### THBT upholding the rights of refugees constitutes an unrealistic burden on the state. ### R5 #### THW renationalise its public services. ### SF #### THW temper the right to privacy. ### GF #### TH supports the right of self-determination for indigenous peoples.